Create More Engagement with Dr. Mike



See Dr. Mike in Action

Create a Better Organization w/ Dr. Mike
If you want to create an atmosphere in your organization where engagement and energy abound, let Dr. Mike Cundall help you. He can show you how to effectively increase engagement, work-life satisfaction, and create overall more fulfilling organizational spaces.
Great News!! My TEDx talk from @ TEDx Raleigh has posted.
Research shows humor boosts creativity, improves communication effectiveness, and increases morale and attitude. It improves health and increases camaraderie. Dr. Mike believes that any organization or individual that has a proper understanding of humor will be able to see improvements across a variety of areas.
Check out his book "The Humor Hack." It has 13 chapters covering how humor works, how you can work humor into your life, how to create spaces where humor flourishes. Here's an interview on an NPR affiliate about my book.
I've started a Substack to replace my blog. Old blog posts will remain up.
Visit Dr. Mike's YouTube Channel "The Humor Hack."
Check out my recent podcast appearances Tromedy & Gut + Science

​Mike Cundall is an author, public speaker and philosophy professor with published research on the positive impact of humor in our lives. He has given talks on improving resilience, defeating procrastination, and how to become more effective and engaged. He has also delivered keynote speeches for the US Army on leadership and the power of memes in our work and personal lives.

Why We Need to Improve Work
77% of "reasons" for a person to leave a job are preventable
80% of the workforce is looking for a new job
Turnover costs range from 15-33% of annual salary
​Mike Cundall presents programming, training, and approaches that will:
Use humor to reduce stress by nearly 40%
Increase productivity by nearly 200%
Improve overall health
Boost resilience and battle burnout
Have more fun and enjoy work
Benefits of Humor In the Workplace
Trusted By

"Mike did a superb job communicating both in concept and anecdote the way to engage professionally using humor. [He] helped me consider how I can better connect with people in challenging settings particularly in the use of humor."
Kevin Hallquist
VP, PMI Triad NC Chapter​
"During the contentious 2016 election, Mike came in and taught a class on using humor in politics which was well-received. In these days of coarse civil discourse, hopefully, his focus on elevating debate will help future candidates do better than what we have experienced in recent memory."
Frank Hill
Founder, Institute for Public Trust
Podcasts, Talks, & News
10/24: Lead w/ Levity Podcast--Using Humor Effectively at Work
9/24: Top of Mind Podcast discussing offensive humor
5/24: Tromedy Podcast discussing humor and well-being.
12/23: My TEDx Talk is up on YouTube. Check it out!
10/23: Humorous Meetings: Smith Leonard Continuing Professional Education Day
3/23: Leadership & Humor Podcast Gut+Science
4/23: Humor in the Classroom: Effectively Using Humor to Increase Learning
2/23: Engagement, Humor, and the Workspace @ NC AHEC
11/22: Effective Uses of Humor in Marketing @ Launch Greensboro
10/22: Interview on WFDD on my book "The Humor Hack."
6/22: How to Write with Humor @ Scuppernong Books for Carolina Writers' Guild
​5/22: "The Humor Hack" published May 2022 Wipf & Stock Publishers
3/22: Increasing Creativity @ Fiber Coworking Space
6/21: Cases on Applied and Therapeutic Humor book released
6/21: Overcoming Procrastination
11/19: Humor, Health & Politics: Elon University
10/19: Humor & Leadership: Venture Cafe
9/19: Humor, Health, and Wellness: AHEC
3/18: Humor & Leadership US Army Raleigh Recruiting Battalion